Disclosure under Reg. 46(2) of LODR,2015

A. Details of Business: Click here

B. Terms and Conditions of appointment of Independent Director: Click here

C. composition of various committees: Click here

D. code of conduct of board of directors and senior management personnel: Click here

E. vigil mechanism/ Whistle Blower policy: Click here

F. Criteria for making payment to non-executive directors, if the same has not been disclosed in the annual report: Click here

G. policy on dealing with related party transactions: Click here

H. Policy on determining material subsidiary: Click here

I. Details of Familairization Programme imparted to Independent Director:Click here

J. Email Address for Grievance Redressal : Click here

K. Contact Details of Designated Official Assisting and Handling Investor Grievances :Click here

L. Financial Information:-

M. shareholding pattern: Click here

N. details of agreements entered into with the media companies and/or their associates, etc:

O. Schedule of Analyst or Institutional meet:

P. Name Change:

Q. Newspaper Publishing:Click here

R. Credit rating:

S. Audited Financial Statements of Subsidiaries:

T. secretarial compliance report:Click here

U. Disclosure of policy for determination of materiality of events or information:Click here

V. Contact Details of KMP authorised determining materiality of event: Click here

W. Disclosures under Regulation 30: Click here

X. Statement of deviation(s) or variation(s):

Y. Dividend Distribution Policy:

Z. Annual Return: Section 92 of Companies Act 2013: Click here

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